Category: Business Integration Tips

Business Object Maps and ‘Required’ Attributes

Just ran into an interesting scenario. We have a business object with a required attribute (amongst a sea of non-required ones). In a business object map, we only set the non-required ones and never set the required ones to any value. In the above example, ‘productStatus’ is required, ‘name’ is not. This is the Mediation […]

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Attending DataPower Classroom Training Next Week

Sometimes the stars just align perfectly. I’m trying to get my DataPower Certification and IBM’s business partner relations team is offering a free course on DataPower next week in Markham. It pays to be in a city with an IBM Office. I’ll be in attendance there and hopefully sitting in the room for 5 days […]

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Make SOA real with IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus and IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances

Looking for a way to manage the interoperability among applications using
different protocols that need to exchange confidential data? Consider combining the
functionality of IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus and IBM WebSphere DataPower
SOA Appliances. Find out how you can get a secure, agile, and extendible solution
with a little effort in terms of code.

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Web services with SOAP/JMS in IBM WebSphere Process Server

This two-part article series shows you how to use SOAP over Java Message Service
(JMS) in IBM WebSphere Process Server and IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus. Learn
how to set up and use SOAP over JMS as configured by default by the IBM
WebSphere Integration Developer tool and how to enable the use of the IBM WebSphere
MQ JMS provider via configuration. In this article, Part 1 of the series, you create and
invoke a Web service using SOAP over JMS and an end-to-end application example, covering
the full process of creating, building, deploying, and testing the applications.
Scenarios covering both point-to-point and publish/subscribe messaging walk you
through the process. In the second article in this series, you’ll
reconfigure a Web service that uses the SOAP over JMS protocol to enable the use of
WebSphere MQ as the JMS provider and allow the transport of SOAP messages via
WebSphere MQ queues.

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WebSphere Integration Developer: Visual Snippet Java Code Generation Is Non-Deterministic

I present the following exhibit: The only difference between these two snippets is the string that I am setting in the commonName attribute. But, let’s look at the java that was generated under the covers for the bottom snippet: boolean __result__31 = (iFlag != null) && (iFlag.trim().equals(“Y”)); if (__result__31){ commonj.sdo.DataObject svcCharVal = __result__34; java.lang.String __result__36 […]

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Visual Snippet Editor: Forgets Java Syntax

I have the following visual snippet which does not work. Can you spot the error? ‘RemoveLeadingZeros’ is a java snippet that returns a String. I then need to see if the string is a length greater than one. My snippet is marked with the error: “length() is not a method of string”. It’s difficult to […]

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Problem Determination and WebSphere Integration Developer

In the past, I’ve gone and de-constructed WebSphere Process Server stack traces in an example of problem determination. Now, I’ll talk about what I do when WebSphere Integration Developer goes crazy. A typical WebSphere Integration Developer exception consists of either a builder error pop up dialog or an issue when trying to open an editor. […]

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Using DataPower SOA Appliances to query WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

Learn how to use IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances to query information from IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository using the REST API and SOAP API. Reusable stylesheets are provided to serve as standard query components to be used throughout DataPower configurations. Step-by-step examples show how these assets can be used to query WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. (IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal)

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WebSphere Integration Developer – Namespaces Cannot Span Projects

Say I have a Business Object named BO1, in the namespace “” and I have a second business object named BO2, in the namespace “”. With WebSphere Integration Developer, I MUST put both of these business objects in the same library or module project. If I split them into two library projects, then I will […]

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WebSphere Process Server and RPC/Literal Web Services: Beware Messages defined by ‘type’ instead of ‘element’.

After a ridiculous amount of XML tweaking and bleeding, I realize that RPC/Literal truly is completely broken in WebSphere Process Server v6.0.2.3. On the response message that consists of a Business Object we would constantly get the exception: Caused by: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource$IOWrappedException: Feature ‘MyResultBO’ not found. (sca:/message.xml, -1, -1) The XML from the service looks correct: […]

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WebSphere Process Server and an RPC/Literal WSDL : Trench War

I’m currently in a trench war with WebSphere Process Server and an RPC/Literal webservice. The service takes in a simple integer and returns a Business Object. The request works fine, but the response comes back with a ‘FeatureNotFound’ exception referencing the top level business object. I’ve even gone so far as to install SOAP UI […]

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Build an RSS aggregator using IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances multistep

The IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances multistep processing policy
system is a key part of appliance configuration. Version 3.6.1 of the firmware
includes a number of enhancements to multistep that provide functionality familiar
to programmers, including loops of actions, conditional execution of actions, and
the ability to execute actions in parallel. Explore how you can combine the new
features in multistep 3 to build an RSS feed aggregator.

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BPEL Business Process Versioning – Infocenter Link

Infocenter Documentation on Business Process Versioning WebSphere Process Server Versioning Arricle by Richard G. Brown  Just in case you ever get into the scenario where you need to upgrade a business process template that is running on your server. It’s not obvious how it works and it’s an issue you may want to capture at […]

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WebSphere Process Server Discussions

The first question kicked off about the use of BPEL for non-business relevant flows. The answer was that it’s not a good idea in the long-term vision and hard evaluation of Java or BPEL should be performed to ensure it’s the right solution. The lack of a store-and-forward capability in the product was the next […]

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WebSphere Business Events (AptSoft) Technical Overview

I don’t know much about WebSphere Business Events. I assume that allows you to generate CEI business events and then take actions based on the content of the messages. It is currently not eclipse based and required WAS v6.1.0.13. It has connector and Data Mapping capabilities, which make it sound very similr to the WebSphere […]

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“Top Best Practices for Implementing WPS Solutions”

I haven’t heard of SIMM Levels before this presentation but they appear to be interesting statements about maturity. Talking about service quality, “You can’t mediate faster”. ISO9126 was also mentioned: ISO 9126 is an international standard for the evaluation of software quality. Don’t use relationships for configuration or rules. It doesn’t fit the use-cases of […]

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DataPower Extension Functions

It dove into the world of Datapower contexts and what I call the ‘magic’ XSLT functions that datapower adds on. I consider things like dp:prioritiy, dp:variable to be a part of these add-ons. Example: Printing the headers you can access them via: dp:variable(“var://service/header-manifest”) When there are multiple match rules in rules, it is “one and […]

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WebSphere Business Services Fabric 6.1 Content Packs

Four industry content packs exist: Banking, Insurance, Healthcare and Telecom Operations. These content packs provide Ontologies relevant to the industry in question. It’s basically a model of an entire Insurance company of which you can then pick and choose the relevant objects.6.1 highlights: Installation Enhancements General usability improvements in the editors Runtime enhancements Better simulation. […]

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“What’s New in WebSphere DataPower v3.6.1”

Since I’m extremely pro-Datapower, I felt it would be an effective use of time to attend and maybe it’ll push me over the top on my certification. I found a link about the features on the IBM Support site. Multistep v3 processing: Mediations. Configurable QoS SOAP 1.2 Reliable Messaging WS-Policy WS-I Profile enhancements Db2 v9 […]

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IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances Part IV: Management and Governance

Redpaper, published: Wed, 23 Apr 2008

– Monitor DataPower with IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for SOA
– Integrate Websphere Registry and Repository with DataPower
– Manage configurations on multiple DataPower devices

IBM® WebSphere® DataPower® SOA Appliances represent an important element in the holistic approach of IBM to service-oriented architecture (SOA).

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WSDL Anti-Pattern: xsd:Any and xsd:AnyType To Encapsulate Future Changes

The cousin to yesterday’s WSDL Anti-Pattern: The ‘Single XML String’ Service is the use of the XSD specification’s ‘any’. ‘Any’ literally means “any well-formed XML contained in this section is valid”. ‘anyType’ means “any valid XSD Type”. We can start to see the correlation between the Single XML String service and the use of these […]

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WSDL Anti-Pattern: The ‘Single XML String’ Service

WSDL is a very useful technology. It allows service providers and consumers to agree on namespaces, operation names, the data to be transmitted in a request and the data to expect in a response. All very good things to know, all in a platform neutral way. Now, WSDL tells us what all the elements and […]

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Avoid the WebSphere Integration Developer Debugger

Yesterday, I had a non-descriptive NullPointerException occur within a visual snippet sub-map in WebSphere Integration Developer. The only message written to the log was something that identified which transformation in the sub-map failed. There was nothing about what line was bad. Rather than filling my code full of “Got Here” and “Did this Runs”, I […]

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