Category: WebSphere Application Server

Log4J “NoSuchMethodError” for org/apache/log4j/Logger.trace(Ljava/lang/Object;)V

My application uses log4J and when I deployed to our development server, I was getting the following exception: CNTR0020E: EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception during invocation of method “onMessage” on bean “BeanId(LoggingEAR#LoggingEJB.jar#LoggingExceptionMDB, null)”. Exception data: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org/apache/log4j/Logger.trace(Ljava/lang/Object;)V At first, I believed that this was caused by Log4J not being on the classpath in ear. […]

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The top 15 WebSphere MQ best practices

Many articles and books offer recommendations for designing message queuing and integrating it into applications. This article simplifies this maze by listing 15 or so widely recognized best practices for using
WebSphere MQ to implement message queuing. This article describes the most common best practices in designing, building, running, and maintaining WebSphere MQ solutions in order to achieve the full benefits of WebSphere MQ.

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Oracle DBMS_CRYPTO Encryption

I spent a few days battling the oracle DBMS_CRYPTO package. This package allows the encryption of data types, including clobs and blobs (in oracle 10g). The battles included: My user not having visibility to the package in the stored procedure call. This was solved by a simple call to the DBA. In my system, I […]

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WebSphere Process Server’s default log size: Very Small

I did not realize that the default log size of the test server installation of WebSphere Process Server inside of WebSphere Integration Developer was so small. It’s a single one megabyte file. This means that I don’t have all the spring exceptions that I thought I did. I suggest anyone who wants to be able […]

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Still Springing Along

I’m still solidly in the spring domain with my solution. I’ve run into a number of obfuscated exceptions as I’ve gone along way my from Spring newbie to Spring intermediate newbie. They’re all nicely saved in my WebSphere Application Server log, so once I get some free time, I’ll go through them all with the […]

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WebSphere InterChange Server migration to WebSphere Process Server

Draft Redbook, last updated: Fri, 11 Jul 2008

– Migration of WebSphere InterChange Server and WBI Adapters
– Architectural usage patterns and migration planning
– Migration tools, technical examples and scenarios

IBM® WebSphere® Process Server is the next generation business process integration server that has evolved from proven business integration concepts, application server technologies, and the latest open standards.

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WebSphere Application Server and The Spring Framework

I’m in the process of skilling up on the spring framework used within the Websphere application server container. What I have amassed so far are a ton of links to various tutorials and developerWorks articles that answer a few questions: What is Spring? Why do I want to use it? How do I use it? […]

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WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus does not support Event Sequencing

Cheers to David Currie for pointing out that while the WebSphere Integration Developer user interface allows you to specify an event sequencing qualifier inside a mediation module, if you attempt to deploy the solution to an WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus Server, you’ll get exceptions. Interestingly enough, if you deploy the same Mediation Module to WebSphere […]

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BPEL: Beware the use of nested loops in a short running process

One of the restrictions when dealing with a short running process is that it must always run within a single transaction. The implication is that the process must complete within the default transaction timeout window. On an application server, this is 120s. We had an issue where our Process Server was creating a large number […]

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WebSphere Process Server v6.1 API

There are various API’s that are provided as a part of WebSphere Process Server. EJB API There is the standard EJB lookup method for the four JNDI’s (Human Task, BusinessFlow, Relationship etc). EJB provides slightly more functionality than the Web service or JMS interface. The generic EJB API supports Remote Artifact loading so you don’t […]

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WebSphere Integration Developer & WebSphere Process Server v6.1.2 released

V6.1.2 has been released for WebSphere Integration Developer and WebSphere Process Server. You can read the list of features. I’m going to highlight the ones that interest me: WebSphere Process Server New out-of-the-box, ready-to-run, Web 2.0 BPM client for business users with configurable work lists and detailed work item views, including support for collaboration using […]

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My Next Opportunity: Oracle Fusion

As my gig here in Toronto doing WebSphere Process Server implementations comes to a close, I’m going to be moving on to a new opportunity using Oracle Fusion and Oracle BPEL. This should be very interesting as I will be able to directly compare and contrast the two integration engines from the perspective of someone […]

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WAS: Resolution to Messages in the SIB locked forever

In a cluster where the messaging engine has failed over between nodes, a situation could arise where the transaction log (‘tranlog’) has become corrupt or is unrecoverable. In this situations, you may see messages on SIB Queues that are in the LOCKED state but are unprocessed. If you factor in a sequential delivering of messages, […]

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