Before I could do any of the steps below to invoke a REST service or install my BPEL suitcase, I needed to figure out how to connect JDeveloper to my application server. It’s not an obvious procedure. In JDeveloper, flip to the connections view. Create a new Application Server Configuration. Choose to create a Standalone […]
Oracle BPEL ‘Suitcase’ JAR Deployment Options
I had created a simple echoing BPEL process in my JDeveloper and then looked around for the option to export an EAR for my service. Of course, there isn’t one. What happens is that JDeveloper will create a JAR that contains your BPEL artifacts. This JAR is called the “BPEL Suitcase”. I assume it’s a […]
Integrating Oracle BPEL with an HTTP (REST) Service
Right out of the gate in my experience with Oracle BPEL, I have to integrate with a non-SOAP HTTP service. Luckily, Lucas Jellema over on the AMIS Technology blog has a very well written article that goes end to end on exactly what you need to do in order to get Oracle and HTTP (REST) […]
IBM Client Application For JMS – Put JMS messages in queues
I had the need to be able to place a JMS Message onto a Service Integration Bus Queue. I tried to use the SIBus Explorer, but it really didn’t like my WebSphere v6.1 configuration and would always throw an exception. I then checked out the IBM Client Application Tool for JMS pointed out to me […]
Default Messaging (SIBus): Modifying JMS ConnectionFactory Provider Endpoints requires a server restart
Just a quick tip, if you need to modify a JMS ConnectionFactory’s Provider Endpoints in WebSphere Application Server, be sure to re-start your server. You normally need to perform this task when you are outside the application server hosting the queue and performing remote JNDI lookups. I modified the value but always got the error […]
In a case of something I have never seen before, it appears that PK49507: THE SIBUS RESOURCE ADAPATER WILL NOW INDICATE THAT AN MDB SHOULD BE STOPPED IF A CERTAIN NUMBER OF FAILURES ARE HIT actually requires you to recreate your entire server profile from scratch! It contains the statement: This property will only be […]
WebSphere 6.1 and Jakarta Commons Logging (JCL) using Log4J in an EJB
In my solution, I am using Log4J inside an EJB. I created a file and put it on the classpath of my EJB. I created a file appender for some exception cases. When I ran my solution, I found that my file wasn’t being created. Upon further inspection, my file was not being […]
IBM Buys ILOG, a Business Rules Engine
Geez, I don’t know how I missed this one. ILOG is a business rules engine that can already integrate with WebSphere Process Server so this acquisition makes sense. It’s better than the one bundled with the product and used by more companies. Anyway, I’ll defer to the bloggers of the world who have more industry […]
IBM Software Support Lifecycle – General Availability, End Of Marketing, End of Support Dates
Planning that new WebSphere Process Server v6.0 GA production deployment? I suggest you check out the End Of Service Dates published by IBM for your versions to ensure that you aren’t painting yourself into a corner before you even start. Beware clicking that last link, it’s a poorly created web page with every single IBM […]
ANT & Building an EJB with the JAR task: ClassNotFoundException
Just a quick note. I was trying to build my EJB using ANT and the JAR task and when it ran, I was getting ClassNotFoundExceptions for my utility jars that should have been on the classpath. <jar jarfile=”${ejb-classes.dir}/EJB.jar” basedir=”${ejb-classes.dir}”” /> The reason is that the manifest file that existed in the directory was being overwritten […]
javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Unable to locate for package {0}
In my solution, I use JAXB to convert from XML over the wire into Java objects. I added the JAXB jars to my ear (as previously explained). When I deployed and tested the solution on my local server everything was fine. When I deployed and tested the solution on the development machine, which contains WebSphere […]
Do not use forward slashes in SIBus Destination names with JMS
I have an SIBus destination called: ‘MY/QUEUE’. I create a JMS QueueConnectionFactory and JMS Queue definition to this destination. jms/LoggingPoisonQueueCF and jms/LoggingPoisonQueue. When I attempt to put a message on the destination (using Spring JMS) I get the following exception: org.springframework.jms.InvalidDestinationException: CWSIA0046E: The parameter queue://MY/QUEUE?busName=SIBJMSBus is from a foreign implementation that is not supported.; nestedexception […]
Where’s that class being loaded from? – Which4J
I’d just like the tout the WHICH4J Project which has helped me immensely in my classpath confict issues with Oracle over LOG4J and JAXB. Which4J is a small utility jar that can be added to your classpath and used via: System.out.println(“WHICH 4J: ” + Which4J.which(JAXBContext.class)) Works fine with WebSphere Application Server
Log4J “NoSuchMethodError” for org/apache/log4j/Logger.trace(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
My application uses log4J and when I deployed to our development server, I was getting the following exception: CNTR0020E: EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception during invocation of method “onMessage” on bean “BeanId(LoggingEAR#LoggingEJB.jar#LoggingExceptionMDB, null)”. Exception data: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org/apache/log4j/Logger.trace(Ljava/lang/Object;)V At first, I believed that this was caused by Log4J not being on the classpath in ear. […]
Adding pre-built JAR files to your EAR in Rational Application Developer
I have the following jars that I want to include on the classpath of my EAR: jaxb-api.jar jaxb-impl.jar jsr172_1.0_api.jar log4j-1.2.15.jar spring.jar For my Spring/JAXB/Log4J solution. I tried to look into the deployment descriptors to place prebuilt ears but I could not find it. My solution was to open the MANIFEST.MF file inside the EJB project. […]
WebSphere Application Server: Non-Deterministic Error when configuring Default Messaging Activation Specs
I’m in the process of moving an application from my test server to a development server. I started creating activation specifications for my MDBs. Everything was fine. Then I tried to start my ear and received the following exception: The JMS activation specification has invalid values – the reason(s) for failing to validate the JMS […]
Oracle DBMS_CRYPTO Encryption
I spent a few days battling the oracle DBMS_CRYPTO package. This package allows the encryption of data types, including clobs and blobs (in oracle 10g). The battles included: My user not having visibility to the package in the stored procedure call. This was solved by a simple call to the DBA. In my system, I […]
WebSphere Process Server’s default log size: Very Small
I did not realize that the default log size of the test server installation of WebSphere Process Server inside of WebSphere Integration Developer was so small. It’s a single one megabyte file. This means that I don’t have all the spring exceptions that I thought I did. I suggest anyone who wants to be able […]
Still Springing Along
I’m still solidly in the spring domain with my solution. I’ve run into a number of obfuscated exceptions as I’ve gone along way my from Spring newbie to Spring intermediate newbie. They’re all nicely saved in my WebSphere Application Server log, so once I get some free time, I’ll go through them all with the […]
Rational Application Developer and Oracle Databases – PL/SQL Support Flakey
It seems like the IBM tools (Rational Software Architect & Rational Application Developer) aren’t very good at communicating with an Oracle database. I’m in the ‘Data’ view, attempting to create a stored procedure. When I ‘CREATE’ the procedure, I was getting warnings but no message about what the warning/error actually was. I fought with the […]
Spring + Oracle Database = Populating CachedRowSet produces SQLException: Invalid scale size
I have a simple table definition: CREATE TABLE TABLE1 ( COL1 CHAR(3) NOT NULL, COL2 VARCHAR2(28) NOT NULL, COL3 NUMBER) ) I noticed that I get this error when I have a column of type ‘number’ created with default type. When I removed this column from the table, everything worked fine. I have a number […]
Spring: ClassPathXmlApplicationContext File Lookup / Database Exceptions
Quick Tip: When you are trying to look up your xml Spring configuration file, ensure that you put the xml file into the build path source directory of your project. In my case, the ejbModule directory. I had it in the root of the EJB project and Spring (rightfully so) could not find it. Also, […]
WebSphere Application Server and The Spring Framework
I’m in the process of skilling up on the spring framework used within the Websphere application server container. What I have amassed so far are a ton of links to various tutorials and developerWorks articles that answer a few questions: What is Spring? Why do I want to use it? How do I use it? […]
XML Schema (XSD) to Database Definition Language (DDL) Generator?
For the life of me, I can’t seem to find a simple tool that will allow me to generate a DDL from an XSD definition. I’ve checked out XML Spy, StylusStudio and even the entire suite of Rational Products (Rational Software Architect & Rational Data Architect). It seems like this option was present in older […]
Seven Reasons Why Corporate Blogs Suck
From the blog ‘Ben means Business‘, Ben Jones lists the 7 reasons why corporate blogs suck. I really like the first reason: Reason#1: Fear of Transparency People who read blogs expect to “know” the author, and participate in discussions with the author and other readers. They enjoy an atmosphere that is genuine and has a […]
IBM Installation Manager Tip: Don’t “Save Files For Rollback”
The ability to roll back a update is a nifty idea. The theory is that you installed something that broke your platform. You can now just ‘undo’ the install. In practice, it’s a feature that next to nobody uses. It requires a deep-faith in the programmers of the rollback logic to return the system to […]
WebSphere Integration Developer Upgrade from 6.1 to 6.1.2 – Two Hours
I started my update from 6.1 to 6.1.2 and the process took two hours (not including download times). That’s unacceptable. Most of the time was spent installing the WebSphere Process Server fixes. The UI appeared frozen for about an hour (still responsive, just that the progress bar didn’t move). When I jumped down to the […]
Upgrading WebSphere Integration Developer v6.1 – Installation Manager
In v6.1 you now use the installation manager to update WID to the various fixpacks. I had a very old install of v6.1 GM in a VM that I started up and couldn’t seem to update. I was getting the message “No updates found.”. Then I realized that the VM’s network card was set to […]
WebSphere Application Server: High Availability to JMS Clients?
I was asked an interesting question. If your messaging engine is in a cluster and it fails over from one node to the next, how to my clients know which node is now hosting the Messaging Engine? I haven’t run this scenario myself so I don’t know. I do know that the datapower allow you […]
WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus does not support Event Sequencing
Cheers to David Currie for pointing out that while the WebSphere Integration Developer user interface allows you to specify an event sequencing qualifier inside a mediation module, if you attempt to deploy the solution to an WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus Server, you’ll get exceptions. Interestingly enough, if you deploy the same Mediation Module to WebSphere […]