Default Messaging (SIBus): Modifying JMS ConnectionFactory Provider Endpoints requires a server restart

Just a quick tip, if you need to modify a JMS ConnectionFactory’s Provider Endpoints in WebSphere Application Server, be sure to re-start your server. You normally need to perform this task when you are outside the application server hosting the queue and performing remote JNDI lookups.

I modified the value but always got the error that ‘localhost:7276:BootstrapBasicMessaging’ could not be found. Once I restarted the server, then my lookup used the proper endpoint of my remote server and everything was fine.

Author: dan


  1. I think in theory it doesn’t actually require a server restart – it just needs something to cause the server to reparse the resources and repopulate the namespace. For example, restarting an application should suffice. Potentially an important difference in time taken when running on a laptop as slow as mine!

  2. Hi there Mr SIBus 😉 ,

    Well I’ll tell ya.. I tried uninstalling and re-installing the application to no success via the admin console. The only magic elixir was a server restart. Actually, I’d be surprised if an ear stopping would cause the server to relookup a JMS resource considering it exists outside (pre-configured) on the server. I’ll bet your solution works when it’s created as part of an enhanced ear..

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