Category: WebSphere Process Server

Posts relating to IBM WebSphere Process Server

WebSphere Business Process Management V6.1.2 Production Topologies

Draft Redbook, last updated: Thu, 4 Sep 2008

– Securing, administering, and extending WebSphere Process Server topologies
– Incorporating WebSphere Business Services Fabric
– Incorporating WebSphere Business Monitor

IBM’s WebSphere Dynamic Process Edition is a comprehensive set of role-based, SOA-enabled product capabilities providing customers the ability to continuously optimize processes and adapt them to rapidly changing needs.

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Introducing IBM WebSphere sMash, Part 1: Build RESTful services for your Web application

In this series, learn all about IBM WebSphere sMash, a simple
environment for creating, assembling, and executing applications based on
current Web technologies. In this first article, get a
hands-on tour of the innovations that let you create, assemble, and
deploy powerful Web applications. Learn how
WebSphere sMash is community driven, and about its conventions for creating RESTful Web
services. Using a step-by-step example, you set up the environment, create a
project, build a RESTful service to expose data, test your application, and
import a sample application to consume the RESTful services.

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DataPower Architectural Design Patterns: Integrating and Securing Services Across Domains

Draft Redbook, last updated: Tue, 26 Aug 2008

– Introduction to DataPower Services
– Integration Services
– Security Services

IBM® WebSphere® DataPower® SOA Appliances are purpose-built network devices that offer a wide variety of functionality such as the securing and management of SOA Applications, Enterprise Service Bus Integration, and high speed XSL execution.

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Migrating WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation to WebSphere Process Server V6.1

Draft Redbook, last updated: Thu, 21 Aug 2008

– Migration concepts, planning and best practices
– Migration tools and scripting
– Migration end to end scenarios

In this IBM Redbooks publication, we discuss the concepts, planning, differences and migration paths, that you must understand before any attempt to migrate the source artifacts created using IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition 5.1 product, to the IBM WebSphere Integration Developer 6.1.

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IBM TechNote: Content and maintenance of the wstemp directory for WebSphere Process Server V6

IBM released a technote: Content and maintenance of the wstemp directory for WebSphere Process Server V6 which helps to explain what the server does with the ‘wstemp’ directory. There’s also four other articles on the topic: Problem with workspace directories How does wstemp directory work Clearing wstemp will delete console preferences Logs and temporary files […]

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Oracle XA_RMERR & Spring Oracle LOB Handler Exceptions

Was getting the following oracle exception when trying to use an Oracle XA datasource from WebSphere: WSRdbXaResour E DSRA0304E: XAException occurred. XAException contents and details are: The XA Error is : -3 The XA Error message is : A resource manager error has occured in the transaction branch. The Oracle Error code is : 65535 […]

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Oracle BPEL ‘Suitcase’ JAR Deployment Options

I had created a simple echoing BPEL process in my JDeveloper and then looked around for the option to export an EAR for my service. Of course, there isn’t one. What happens is that JDeveloper will create a JAR that contains your BPEL artifacts. This JAR is called the “BPEL Suitcase”. I assume it’s a […]

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Integrating Oracle BPEL with an HTTP (REST) Service

Right out of the gate in my experience with Oracle BPEL, I have to integrate with a non-SOAP HTTP service. Luckily, Lucas Jellema over on the AMIS Technology blog has a very well written article that goes end to end on exactly what you need to do in order to get Oracle and HTTP (REST) […]

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Create classification taxonomies programmatically in IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

By creating classification taxonomies in IBM WebSphere Service Registry
and Repository, you can flexibly catalog and organize services and your metadata,
enabling effective governance. This article illustrates a mechanism for
uploading classification taxonomies into the WebSphere Service Registry
and Repository using an XML-based interface, which can also be extended as an
integration mechanism for synchronizing classification taxonomies to WebSphere
Service Registry and Repository from other external systems. Find out how to load the
classification taxonomies into WebSphere Service Registry and
Repository using the Java Management Extensions (JMX) management APIs provided by WebSphere Service
Registry and Repository.

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In a case of something I have never seen before, it appears that PK49507: THE SIBUS RESOURCE ADAPATER WILL NOW INDICATE THAT AN MDB SHOULD BE STOPPED IF A CERTAIN NUMBER OF FAILURES ARE HIT actually requires you to recreate your entire server profile from scratch! It contains the statement: This property will only be […]

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IBM Buys ILOG, a Business Rules Engine

Geez, I don’t know how I missed this one.  ILOG is a business rules engine that can already integrate with WebSphere Process Server so this acquisition makes sense. It’s better than the one bundled with the product and used by more companies. Anyway, I’ll defer to the bloggers of the world who have more industry […]

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What’s new in WebSphere Integration Developer V6.1.2

IBM WebSphere Integration Developer is a powerful tool used by integration
developers in the assemble phase of the SOA lifecycle. You can create, test, and debug
artifacts for WebSphere Process Server, including WS-BPEL processes and state machines,
human tasks, business rules, SCA assembly diagrams, and more. This article examines the
features new to WebSphere Integration Developer V6.1.2. Basic knowledge of WebSphere
Integration Developer is required for this article.

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What’s new in WebSphere Process Server V6.1.2

IBM WebSphere Process Server is a powerful runtime engine that can be used as
the heart of a Service Oriented Architecture. It is built on WebSphere Application
Server, and includes WebSphere ESB, enabling you to run integration modules created with
WebSphere Application Developer, mediation modules, and J2EE applications. This article
examines the features new to WebSphere Process Server V6.1.2. Basic knowledge of WebSphere Process Server is required for this article.

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Do not use forward slashes in SIBus Destination names with JMS

I have an SIBus destination called: ‘MY/QUEUE’. I create a JMS QueueConnectionFactory and JMS Queue definition to this destination. jms/LoggingPoisonQueueCF and jms/LoggingPoisonQueue. When I attempt to put a message on the destination (using Spring JMS) I get the following exception: org.springframework.jms.InvalidDestinationException: CWSIA0046E: The parameter queue://MY/QUEUE?busName=SIBJMSBus is from a foreign implementation that is not supported.; nestedexception […]

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Where’s that class being loaded from? – Which4J

I’d just like the tout the WHICH4J Project which has helped me immensely in my classpath confict issues with Oracle over LOG4J and JAXB. Which4J is a small utility jar that can be added to your classpath and used via: System.out.println(“WHICH 4J: ” + Which4J.which(JAXBContext.class)) Works fine with WebSphere Application Server

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