Author: dan


  1. So I’ve been informed by a little birdie that this likely doesn’t actually work with Process Server but does with Application Server. I haven’t gone throught the steps myself so I can’t comment, but YMMV.

  2. Even for WAS this CAR approach (import and export profile) would work only for single server and not for a ND environment.

    I don’t know if this has changed recently with WAS V7 but this was true for WAS V6.

    Even with WAS there were other restrictions, not all resources could be exported/imported.

    This facility is helpful as long as the shortcomings are known.


  3. Here is the info from the Infocenter on this space:

    (1) exportWasprofile
    Use the exportWasprofile command to export the entire cell configuration to a configuration archive. The exportWasprofile command does not work between the distributed and z/OS platforms.
    Note: Only a base server configuration with single node is supported for the exportWasprofile command.


  4. This helped exporting and importing complete server configuration for a standalone WAS server.
    The only thing i was wondering is that location of the .ear is in the Cell-Name of the server where i exported the configurations from.
    Any views on how we can make sure that the server is deployed in the Cell-Name of the server we are importing it into.


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