Tag Archives: waste of time

WebSphere Integration Developer: Visual Snippet Java Code Generation Is Non-Deterministic

I present the following exhibit: The only difference between these two snippets is the string that I am setting in the commonName attribute. But, let’s look at the java that was generated under the covers for the bottom snippet: boolean __result__31 = (iFlag != null) && (iFlag.trim().equals(“Y”)); if (__result__31){ commonj.sdo.DataObject svcCharVal = __result__34; java.lang.String __result__36 […]

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Visual Snippet Editor: Forgets Java Syntax

I have the following visual snippet which does not work. Can you spot the error? ‘RemoveLeadingZeros’ is a java snippet that returns a String. I then need to see if the string is a length greater than one. My snippet is marked with the error: “length() is not a method of string”. It’s difficult to […]

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