Looks like I kind of missed one of the big boys of the internet for coverage of Impact 2008. YouTube actually has a few videos posted:
- If you like your summaries in ’80s montage’ format, “IBM Impact 2008 Conference – Day 1 Highlights SOA” is the video for you. It’s complete with generic background music and no voice-overs at all.
- YouTube user ‘hallsoa‘ is apparently the IBM channel for Impact 2008, but there hasn’t been any update since Day 1.
- Go figure there’s not much video on anything being said, but there’s lots on the B-52’s from lzzrdboy.
- If comedy is more your thing (although the B-52’s pretending to be relevant today is extremely funny) you can check out Quantum27‘s three videos from the ‘Who’s Line Is It Anyway?” skits. Video 1, Video 2, Video 3 (w/Robert Leblanc).
- Congratulations to Juris Kaža for actually providing original video content by interviewing both Steve Mills (Software Group Senior VP) and Jason McGee (Project Zero). You can follow his videos on youtube via user name Lettlander.
- If you are just pro-IBM propaganda, you can check out the overall IBM YouTube Channel ‘IBMtveditor‘
Not exactly a ton of content, but given video editing is generally time consuming, I can let it slide I guess.