Category: Business Integration Tips

How to emit a Common Base Event in Java

A quick tip on how to emit a CBE. I usually put this block of code into a utility java project and add it to my module’s dependency editor so I can emit events in my modules. ECSEmitter emitter = new ECSEmitter(“com/ibm/events/configuration/emitter/Default”, null); // create common base event eventCommonBaseEvent cbe = emitter.createCommonBaseEvent(null); // Work your […]

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JMS Function Selectors & Method Bindings

JMS Function Selectors and Method bindings are properties that you define inside of an SCA JMS component that answer the question “Which {component,interface} pair should a message arriving on a queue be delivered to?”. I had intended to go and write up in lay-mans terms what it all meant, but luckily (for me) I stumbled […]

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Console – Removing Auto-Focus & Output Line Limit

Cheers to David Currie for pointing out how to disable the focus grabbing ability of the console view in WID (and Eclipse). I’d just like to add that in the property page where you turn off the auto-focus, you can also either disable or greatly increase the size of the scroll back buffer. I usually […]

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IBM Certification Tests

Generally, I’m not a big proponent of the certification process. They tend to be too focused on the ‘book smarts’ of the products instead of probing the candidate on their knowledge of the core abilities. But last year at the WebSphere Services Technical Conference, I took advantage of the attendee benefit of writing free certification […]

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My Integration Test Client DeveloperWorks Article

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my first article published to developerworks (Co-Authored with Richard Gregory). It’s about the WebSphere Integration Test Client and learning about the features that are beyond “enter data, press continue, watch module run”. Here’s a short list of the things that you’ll discover: * Testing modules: selecting one […]

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The lack of a non-IBM WebSphere Community

The one thing that always confused me about WebSphere is the lack of a single large vibrant community for practitioners. The best one that I’m aware of is the WebSphere Application Server developerWorks forum which seems to get about 20 posts a day. Twenty posts. The ones for process server and integration developer average 3-4 […]

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Tip: Redeploying your modules from WID

When a resource is modified in your workspace and deployed onto your Integrated Test Environment, this could translate to one of the following actions on your server to hot-redeploy your application: Nothing Restarting the Application Redeploying the Application WID v6.0.2 is smart enough to realize most of the scenarios of when it needs to perform […]

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Legacy System DTDs over the wire

We have an issue today arrise when an ‘old’ system was sending us XML that included a direct DTD reference in the XML transmitted over the wire. <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”ISO-8859-1″?> <!DOCTYPE note SYSTEM “Note.dtd”> … Process Server was attempting to resolve the DTD is a very strange place: The Profile’s home directory: c:\wid6.0\pf\wps\Node.dtd. I attempted […]

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BOFactory: create(..) or createByElement(..) ?

The interface defines two methods: DataObject create(namespace, name) DataObject createByElement(namespace, name) Both methods take the same two parameters and both return DataObjects. Most of the time, create() is used and returns the DataObject as expected. Sometimes, though, you’ll find that it returns null when the namespace,name pair is correct. The reason for this peculiarity […]

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I’m a large supporter of the IBM DeveloperWorks Forums for WebSphere Integration Developer and WebSphere Process Server (including WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus). Having the wealth of experience on this platform that I have, I tend to respond to 75%-80% of the questions. Sometimes, a question appears that sparks my brain with a rant or deserves […]

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